Wednesday 5 April 2017

What's Holding You Back? - Let Go

Have you ever wanted to do something so bad, yet did not do it? You probably started working on it and one negative comment or self doubt made you shrink or take a back seat. Could be as simple as applying for a course, a job or promotion, maybe you have always wanted to move towns or countries and have a fresh start etc.

We all have certain things or goals we hoped to accomplish whether small or big  that hit a wall because of this or that... I am certain we had our justifications as to why we did not accomplish the mission. Some of the simple yet tough things like saying I'm sorry or I was wrong or perhaps taking your business to the next level sometimes go unsaid or undone because something inside us holds us back.

I want us to reflect on what in life we fear the most. Some of my fears growing up were
  • what would people think or say of me? - it killed some of my opinions and who I was as a person
  • Not being cool ( I know! now I think it's stupid)
  • Being embarrassed - I learnt that you can get over embarrassments its just for a momentπŸ™ˆ
  • Failing in life - it kept me from even starting some projects who knows what would have come of those projects I could have succeeded had I been persistent
It is not a bad thing to have things that you fear, however when it gets to a point that they stop you from realizing your full potential or living a fulfilled life calls for a re-evaluation of your priorities.  At the end of the day, focus on what you want to achieve and see if your fear is more important than your goal. Could be that you are in an abusive relationship, where you are being disrespected yet still opt to stay. Is that what you signed up for? Relationships are supposed to make us better not bitter and insecure.

Moving from the comfort zone, takes courage and its never easy. Sometimes one has to leave employment and go start their business, there is no assurance that the business will succeed but what would you rather? Would you rather know you did everything that was in your power to do or live with the fears and regrets of "What if's"?

Sometimes it is easy to think that some people have more courage than others, but we all are capable of achieving whatever we desire as individual's, families, organizations and or countries. The right question to ask self is, what is holding you back from realizing your full potential? What is holding you back from starting the Mentor-ship Program you have always wanted or to start or the barber shop? What could be holding you back from exercising and or eating healthy? What is stopping you from expanding your business? I mean no one forces you to live your life the way you do, that means whatever is holding you back can be released and gotten rid of for the better. We can have excuses of the weather not being the best, lack of finances, family friends... but at the end of the day, the ball is on your hands.

I do not know what is holding you back, but I do know that whatever it is, you can overcome and go after your dreams and desires. I hope we can all find the courage to go back and rekindle the dreams we had forgotten about, it is time to release what's holding you back. Break the glass, get out of the box you are the pace setter it's possible, You are possible! Today is the perfect day for a new beginning, forget the risk and take the fall if its what you want then its worth the fall. You don't need to have it all figured out, you just need to start and with time you will succeedπŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ’Ÿ


  1. Tomi I have always know you as a dreamer and a visionary. There is no limit to the much you can achieve. I look forward to be drinking the smoothies from the Kenyan branch and Nigeria when I visit.

  2. Good piece Sandi with insightful idea that takes centrestage in the contemporary world

  3. Very well said! This made me realized that I must break the glass, go out of the box,unleash my potiential and move forward. Thank you for your awesome blog!
